Current location:China robot Summit >> keynote


Tzyh-Jong TARN

Tzyh-Jong TARN

Tzyh-Jong TARN

Tzyh-Jong TARN- Professor in the Department of Systems Science and Mathematics and the Director of the Center for Robotics and Automation at Washington University
PastPresident of the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.Research Interest:Integrated hybrid system for planning and control of concurrent task in manufacturing system, internet-based remote teleoperation, fusion of human and machine intelligence, nonholonomic analysis and control for underactuated underwater robotic vehicles, control of quantum-mechanical systems, quantum nondemolition estimation: theoretical foundation for quantum sensors.

  • Ning Chen

    Ning Chen

  • 韩力群


  • Tian Huang

    Tian Huang

  • 李贻斌


  • 刘立


  • 曲道奎
